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Writer's pictureKaren Byrge

Girrrl, It's a photoshoot! | BRANDING SHOOT TIPS

When you book a branding shoot for your business, you are using hard earned dollars to do so! You want to make sure you are getting all the things you can from your time with your photographer. Your branding shoot should have a ROI! Let's talk about how we make that happen!

Some photographers have one set price and time frame, and you will be able to capture everything you could ever want. You will pay the price tag for it. It is worth every penny! If you are booking a package that doesn't have as much time included, planning is extra important.


We want to get lots of photos of you! You can use these in so many ways. Websites, social media, marketing materials. We can add negative space and also ones without. Negative space just means that we have extra space in the photo for you to put words or content on. You can also leave them as is because they just add a little fun to a headshot instead of your standard shoulder up studio looking shot.


This is where we recreate shots of things you do every day. Your clients would love to see what it looks like to be you behind the scenes. Working with a client (or a model we have join us for the shoot), setting up appointments on your computer, restocking inventory, unboxing inventory, styling hair, talking with staff members or clients, even laundry! I work with beauty industry brands so I am niching this down but this entire post can be applied to any business.

We want to add photos to the list that just scream who you are. This beauty to the left is Sydney and she is always throwing up her gang gang peace sign to her gorgeous gorgeous girlies lol. So, I made sure to grab a photo of it. She can use this as a background on her stories. Turn the exposure way up or way down and put wording over it. This then personalizes her post. It goes the extra step to not just have the same posts as everyone else.

Detail shots of you and your favorite things are all perfect for this same process. Filler or background photos in a collage on a posts.

Have a mini list ready of some shots that really embrace who you are that you want to grab during your shoot.


Part of being authentic and letting that pour over into your brand is to open up parts of you and share with those who support your dreams and business. Are you a secret Marvel lover and have a little magnet hiding inside your locker? Let's get a photo of it! Do you make coffee 30 times a day to stay alive since you aren't eating between clients, let's get a photo and a video of you making your coffee. Let your clients know what you put in it. Chances are, one of them like it the same way and it will spark a connection. Anything that can be used to post and let people see into your life as a human. If you have items from other small businesses that you love, be sure to wear or bring them. It's always nice to be able to give some love to the next guy and show them how much you love their products too.

Hairstylists are like really REALLY big fans of plants I've noticed. Bring in a special one from home just for the day. Maybe you have a plant that was from another your grandmother had. CONNECTIONS AND VULNERBLITLTY.


This is a huge one and a missed opportunity if you don't plan ahead. Of course, you can take photos with your phone and that is totally fine, but a high-quality image just elevates the future post you will make.

-Be sure to clean your retail area. Dust tends to photograph very well in the worst way haha

-Plan out any upcoming sales you may have and have those items ready to pull for some shots with them


  • Make a nail appointment if bare fingernails will make you cringe at your photos. You will be holding products and showing your money makers off. I would love to sit and edit your fingertips for 50 hours, but unfortunately, I can't haha

  • If you have funky lighting, let me know and I will be sure to assess the situation before hand and find a solution. You will know if you do because you most likely go outside to take all of your hair photos. We have some wild lighting at my salon so I totally get it.

  • LINT ROLLERS, Be sure to have these on hand if you are wearing black. They help so much!

  • Cleaning before your shoot is always a good idea. It is not a have to situation but it allows you to have your best foot forward. Clean your tools that we will be photographing, work space etc.

  • Find a model to come assist and be in photos with you. We may have to move things out of the way for some shots so having a helper is nice. You will also want someone you can stage perform services and consults etc with.

This list is not complete as we will personalize each brands shot list, but this gives you some brain food to start thinking about. If you have any other ideas that you feel people should know be sure to leave them in the comments!

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